The George Adventures


“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith

Christians and Lawsuits...

There are days when I let my Bible open up to wherever it decides...I always think that maybe there is something in the passages that fall open that I need to read. And lo and behold, today opened up to something I have been struggling with in the past couple of weeks. It comes from 1st Corinthians...

1 If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? 2 Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 4 Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? 5 I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 6 But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers!

7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?

Many of you have read before that Kevin and I are struggling in a court battle currently. I have analyzed the accusations made against my husband every which way but upside down...I do not believe that the accusations are true and have no problem telling people that. Although, I really cannot go into detail at this point in time, sorry. Let's just say the lawyers we've had are also scratching their heads wondering what the heck the other party was thinking.

Anyway, back to the scripture and such. Someone dared to take an accusation before the ungodly law before even trying to figure out what had really happened, if anything. Someone jumped to conclusions before stopping and listening. Someone took another believer to court, and all this for unbelievers to see and say, "Look at those Christian's stab each other in the back, why do I want anything to do with Jesus if that's what it will be like?" And verse 8 that says, "Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters." That is literal for me! My sister and her husband are the ones that are putting us through this. They are also lying about it in the court room just to get ahead. I have a gut wrenching feeling that they know it too, they just don't care because they want to save face and not admit that they are wrong. Many lies have been told on their part, go figure that I don't have any evidence for this, just me and my kitchen walls! Kevin and I have tried to be extremely honest in our part of this situation, because not only did he do nothing wrong, we also feel that we will not pull through this and be blessed by telling lies.

I know some of you are still probably thinking, yeah well her husband is lying. Well, I know he's not. I was there with him! I can recall in my head the two times things supposedly happened...and I was right there!! Now do you honestly think that if my husband was doing something wrong I am going to stand there and let him do it?! HECK NO! I am going to be heading for the frying pan to use on his skull. But will the fact that I was right there hold up in court? No. Why not? I am his wife and would be seen as trying to "protect him." Because that is what all women do...nope sorry, if he did do something wrong he should pay...if he didn't then someone should step forward, admit that they were wrong, and be done with this whole mess! Hahaha... Until then, we are stuck...we aren't able to move forward until all of this is behind us...and we have things we are looking forward to doing in our lifetimes, to help others out. But alas, some people don't think about others...they only think about themselves getting ahead and being right all the time. Guess we'll all have to deal with those types of people at some point in our lives...

A peaceful dinner...

While looking up verses about hatred today I found one I really liked that I have never heard before...that I know of. I haven't been living under a rock...I grew up in a Christian household...just don't recall if I've heard this one before...

Proverbs 15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

I love it! It's better to eat a "salad" with people who love you, than it is to eat a big ol' steak with those who hate you or with those you hate or where hatred reigns. I guess I love it because, like everyone else I am sure, I have had both experiences. Quite literally. I have eaten dinner with those I love most and it is one of my most favorite things to do...because, well, you are surrounded in love. I remember, when I was little and my dad would be working close by, I always wanted to go meet him for lunch. It was a silly little thing really, but even to this day it makes me happy! On the other hand, I have had to break people's hearts a couple of times lately by telling them that if "so and so" were going to be at dinner that my family would not be able to matter how yummy dinner would would automatically be is not a nice feeling to feel out of place because someone does not like you or a part of you anyway.

Taking this verse a little deeper...wouldn't it be a lot nicer to be with those you love in a poor country being missionaries filled with and surrounded by love...than to be in a huge mansion with swimming pools, hot tubs, fancy sheets, and fancy cars with those you dislike and who are probably not very nice people??

So what do you do? Avoid the person/situation at all costs? Probably not. The thing, whatever it is that's there, needs to be taken care hard as it may be. But why not balance it with the nice "meals" with those that love you? Time to break out the herbs so the dinner of steak is more easily digested!! (LoL!!)

(Sorry for any confusing statements or mis-spellings or's late and I am going to bed!) :-)

My daily struggle with hatred...

-A post by a friend reminded me that I have been meaning to post about my daily struggle with hatred. I don't wish to post this to ruffle just helps clear my mind if I write a little about it.-

Proverbs 10:18 He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.

I have always known, as have many people, that there were some people who just didn't like my husband. One of them being his old youth pastor, who he had a previous history with, and has a current court battle with. Yes, I did say court battle.

The first instance that I saw between the youth pastor and my husband was when he put my husband down constantly in his youth class. It was not a case of me and my love bird eyes seeing things that were not there...there were kids in the youth that went to the pastor of the church on my husbands behalf because it was so bad! You would think after so many years of struggling with this one person we would get wise and give up. (Another Bible verse entirely...) But ever the ones who try to do the right thing, ever the ones who hate knowing that people don't like them, ever the ones who are very trusting of almost everyone around us, we kept trying. Then there came a point in the relationship where it seemed to be getting better. And once again we were duped into a false sense of security. Then it happened, DRAMA. And never one to stay out of drama our "hater" got in on it and made up some nasty stuff just to have their piece of the drama pie.

This brings me to the verse above...Proverbs 10:18 "He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool." I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't struggle with thoughts of hatred towards this person! I have to ask forgiveness for the thoughts that come into my head every time I think of the person. However I wanna talk about the person for a second. We've "caught" this person in lies before...we looked past them because this person sees in "black and white" and we thought that maybe they had a different view of things than we did. However, when it came to the court and the things said person said, after swearing to tell the truth, it is clear to us that the person is hiding his hatred with lies and intends on "ruining" Kevin's life once and for all.

No one can put their finger on where the hatred stems from. Some say that it is because said person stated once that they "do not like people that are taller than them". (No joke, heard from multiple sources at different times! RIDICULOUS!!) Kevin is almost 6' 5" so he is taller than most people. Some have said the hatred stems from Kevin, as a child of 12 or so, saying something to the effect of "I'm taller than you!" to said person. Like I said, no one really knows...but it is a long stemming hatred that seems like it will never end. My point with the verse...Proverbs 10:18 "He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool." this, it brings me great pleasure in knowing that God's word says that this lying person is a fool because this person thinks the world of them self. To know that God will bring this person down a peg or two some day makes me happy. As horrific as that sounds on my part it's the truth. But what about the plank in my eye? Believe me, I know I am a sinner, I know I am a fool, I know that there are people out there that will think less of me for telling how I feel...and while I hate, hate, hate that...I have to realize that this is my journey and if this post offends you I am sorry. I truly am. This is something I needed to get off my chest for a while and let someone else bear the burden for a bit. I am sick of yelling at my husband and my kids because my mind is so cluttered. I'm sick of not sleeping well because I worry too much. I am dead sick of all the lies and bull crap in my life.

Is this one person written about above the only one who brings conflict and strife into my life? Ell no!! My husband, my kids, my family, his family, MYSELF, there is conflict and strife all around...always will be because you cannot please everyone. At the moment though, hatred is my main struggle...and I pray daily for it to go away and leave me alone...

(I intended to get to more hatred verses and focus more on myself...but this verse was at the top of my list and the word vomit flowed freely! Sorry it was so long!!)

Infant Circumcision...

This is part of the reason why I regret Joel's circumcision...the other part of my regret comes from the fact that it wasn't my decision to make.

Warning: This video shows an actual infant circumcision.

Dearest Joel,

I have been thinking of you a lot lately. Every time I see an article on circumcision I cringe. I know now that our decision to circumcise you was not a good one. What is even worse were our reasons...we thought that because circumcision is in the Bible that meant you needed to be circumcised. We now realize that God loves you even if you are kept whole. He does not care whether or not you are circumcised. What God really cares about is what is in your heart. Whether or not you follow him and live according to his Holy word.

I knew the minute I heard your screams from the hospital nursery that we had chosen wrong. You're never really going to remember what your daddy's looks like and maybe you'd never even care. I very much regret not rushing into that nursery and scooping you up off of that cold hard board you were strapped down to. I very much regret letting anyone touch you with a knife in your most private area against your will. It should have been your decision and I am sorry that your father and I made it for you. I can only hope and pray that from our horrible decision good will come. I hope and pray that we can impact others to think twice about circumcision. It was not our choice to make, it was not our body we were scarring...but until you are old enough to talk to me about it my mind is scarred and I am very sorry.

I love you very very much,


2010 was the year of broken relationships in our household. Many close relationships fizzled out or just died suddenly and unexpectedly. It was a really depressing year speckled with hope here and there. Some of our relationships are on the mend...even though the trials within those relationships are not over and they are subject to go south again! Some people from our past have popped up again and reformed friendships...and there are some new relationships!

Some of the upswings we had in 2010 were...of course in June we had our second bundle of joy. The end of the pregnancy with him was rough, and resulted in a lost relationship. There were weeks where all I wanted to do was cry. But then Ephraim arrived on his due the hospital, not at home as planned. And as much as it stung that he was born in the hospital...when I wanted him to be born at home...I will always remember the doctor looking at me and saying, "You could have stayed at home, you didn't need me at all!" And that was like a salve to my wounds.

In September our little big boy turned two! It doesn't seem that long ago that he was born! But he's talking now and he is so big! I remember when the kid didn't have a neck! Now his neck is so long and strong! His eyes are still very blue and beautiful! And he's still an adorable blondie!

In November, after seven months of unemployment, Kevin got a job! In his first three days on the job he had 40 hours! He is making more now than he ever has...although he's gone a lot longer every day. He really likes his job. The guys really like him and they call him their brother. It's a blessing.

We hope and pray that 2011 will be a better year than 2010. It has the makings to be a worse year...but we cannot dwell on that and are trying to look forward. And to end on the upswing...

Granted it's a month or more old...but newer pictures will have to wait a little until I can get them on here! :-)