The George Adventures


“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith


2010 was the year of broken relationships in our household. Many close relationships fizzled out or just died suddenly and unexpectedly. It was a really depressing year speckled with hope here and there. Some of our relationships are on the mend...even though the trials within those relationships are not over and they are subject to go south again! Some people from our past have popped up again and reformed friendships...and there are some new relationships!

Some of the upswings we had in 2010 were...of course in June we had our second bundle of joy. The end of the pregnancy with him was rough, and resulted in a lost relationship. There were weeks where all I wanted to do was cry. But then Ephraim arrived on his due the hospital, not at home as planned. And as much as it stung that he was born in the hospital...when I wanted him to be born at home...I will always remember the doctor looking at me and saying, "You could have stayed at home, you didn't need me at all!" And that was like a salve to my wounds.

In September our little big boy turned two! It doesn't seem that long ago that he was born! But he's talking now and he is so big! I remember when the kid didn't have a neck! Now his neck is so long and strong! His eyes are still very blue and beautiful! And he's still an adorable blondie!

In November, after seven months of unemployment, Kevin got a job! In his first three days on the job he had 40 hours! He is making more now than he ever has...although he's gone a lot longer every day. He really likes his job. The guys really like him and they call him their brother. It's a blessing.

We hope and pray that 2011 will be a better year than 2010. It has the makings to be a worse year...but we cannot dwell on that and are trying to look forward. And to end on the upswing...

Granted it's a month or more old...but newer pictures will have to wait a little until I can get them on here! :-)