I have had quite the range of emotions today. But I don't want to let the bad emotions get me down.
In case you aren't my friend on Facebook, you have missed todays drama. But I guess I should start with last nights breakthrough. My last post detailed all that our family has been through in the last couple of years. Some people clearly don't get how rough it is...or don't care. I get the feeling that there are people who think that Kevin ("the criminal") and his family should not be allowed to have anger or emotions in this whole situation. Or if we do have emotions we should just keep our mouths shut so they can stay comfortable with their decision to break up a family.
After writing last nights post I saw a friend on Facebook post a prayer request for our family. Many others said they were praying for us. I felt the love and completely lost it! I started praying...just laying it all out before the Lord. I prayed about many things. And in my prayer I got this revelation. Kevin and I have been through all of this junk and no matter how many times we have both wanted to bow out we didn't! We didn't give up, we kept the faith, knowing God would bring us through this storm. Then I felt this peace, and it really did surpass all my understanding. With the peace came this, we have been through the fire, now we can move mountains! We can move mountains.
Just like any other time when Kevin and I thought we were starting to get a grip on this situation....whamo! Kevin was moved to RDC today. I didn't know about it until after I bought him $40 worth of phone cards that he will never get. I took them up to turn them in (they are special ones that can only be used in the facility where they were bought) and there was some discussion with officers looking back at the boys and I. The officer that was helping us came back and said, "Uh, he was moved today." Are you kidding me? The devil must really be scared of the George team for some reason because every time something amazing happens to us there is ALWAYS something equally terrible that happens to try and bring us down again. Well, it's not going to work! We shall overcome! We are focusing on helping others and raising our own children. We have both ignored the calling many times, and we cannot afford to ignore it anymore!! Pray for us!
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