The George Adventures


“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith

Last post for the day...

Updates on our lives.

Kevin is unemployed...paycheck has ran out...and unemployment doesn't know if they are going to give him benefits. Woohoo. This makes things a little difficult. But we will make it because not even a sparrow drops without the Lord knowing he knows we are hurting. People didn't think about what their actions would mean in the long run...Kevin may not be able to get another job because of all this crap we are going through.

Joel has two new teeth that cam in this week. He was very cranky!! He also say "stinky" and "baby." He takes big boy steps up the stairs! And his newest thing is giving kisses!! It's adorable, he will run up to my belly, say "baby!", and give my belly a kiss!! Oh, we also can't go to the store without Joel saying "Hi!" to everyone he passes. You can really tell who are kid people and who aren't!

Ephraim is so strong! He is very active. He got our midwife good at his last prenatal! She even yelped and said "Oh sorry!" Then when trying to listen to his heartbeat there was a lot of static because he was squirming to try and get away! When she did get his heartbeat it sounded great! She also made the comment that he's a nice sized baby. He gets another ultrasound on Tuesday at Maternal Fetal Medicine...which means he should get a 3D picture!!

I have my gestational diabetes under pretty good control. I have to get it down to an exact science to getting good blood sugars so I can have a home birth. Ephraim being breech would not risk me out of home...but the blood sugars would! I love my midwife...she gives me so many chances, up to a point anyway! She still follows her guidelines and will risk me out if need be. So I have to be really good! I have been craving a coke, a doughnut, ice cream, a cupcake, really just about anything I can't have! I've done well and stuck with my "No Cesarean for Chels" diet! I am pretty proud of myself. My blood pressure has done amazing with all of the stress we have been under lately! As long as it holds out for a couple more months we will be good there too!

So that's about all! We are doing ok with all the stress. Wishing things would just blow over so we could get back to a normal life! Even though normal has such a different meaning now! The people around us have taken on different meanings now. You never know who's for you and who's against you. We have a lot of good friends and family helping us through the storm! And we love them dearly!


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